There are many factories producing Rolex Submariner replica watches, with BP being the oldest and offering the most comprehensive collection of Rolex replicas. Noob is known for creating the best replicas, while J12 is a new player specializing in high-end 1:1 AP replica watches; they have recently started making high-quality Rolex replica wathces as well. As I noted earlier, since early 2018, numerous new factories like AR, VR, and GM have emerged, following in the footsteps of established ones to replicate popular Rolex Submariner models such as the 116610LN and 116610LV. Many of my blog readers, who are also potential buyers, frequently ask which factory produces the best Submariner 116610LN or Green Submariner. This interest stems from the overwhelming number of factories, which can confuse buyers due to differing manufacturers and various versions from the same factory. Here’s a basic guideline to help you choose the best black or green Submariner. If you want one with a genuine Swiss ETA movement, go for the BP factory. If you’re looking for a Submariner that closely resembles the genuine model in both appearance and movement, select the Noob V8 Submariner with the Super Clone 3135. For those seeking an exceptional wearing experience, the J12 version is ideal as this factory excels in case and bracelet polishing.

Today, I will introduce a vintage replica Rolex Submariner 16610LV produced by J12, which is one of the best sellers in our market. The following article will highlight the watch’s charm.

The case measures 40mm in diameter and is 13mm thick, matching the thickness of the genuine watch. The entire case is brushed, except for the polished sides. The factory has crafted a 1:1 case profile from a single forged piece of metal, using a genuine watch as a reference. The bezel is uni-directional and rotatable, featuring a green metal insert rather than ceramic. The case back has a tooth design, with a sandblasted center and a polished edge. The pins connecting the case and bracelet are flawless, which I always check before sending watches to clients, as some watches from larger factories may have damaged pins. I meticulously inspect every part of the watch prior to posting.

The dial has minimal differences compared to modern Submariners, featuring the “OYSTER PERPETUAL DATE” inscription. The contrast between the black dial and green bezel exemplifies the allure of the vintage 16610LV Submariner; it’s the first feature that grabs your attention when comparing the 16610LV with the Hulk 116610LV.

The bracelet is made of solid 316L stainless steel and is brushed. The buckle design reflects that of vintage Rolex Submariners. Upon unfolding the clasp, you’ll notice that the engravings are symmetrical. Inside the case is an Asian clone 3135 movement, based on a Shanghai automatic movement.In summary, if I were to rate this watch on a scale of 10, I would give it a 9.5. If the factory offered an option with a genuine ETA movement, it would earn a perfect score of ten.