I was initially thrilled when I came across this perfect replica watch in the market, but my excitement quickly turned into disappointment when I realized it wasn’t made by Clean factory. The watch in question is a new AAA Daytona replica with a transparent back, and many people were eagerly anticipating its release. However, it turned out to be from QF factory, which is not known for producing good replicas despite its high price.

I hadn’t heard of QF factory before, but according to some reviews, they specialize in manufacturing replica Rolex watches that have increased weight. This particular Daytona from QF weighs more than 177 grams. However, I don’t recommend buying this Daytona from QF because it doesn’t meet the standards of a super clone due to its movement.

I haven’t had the opportunity to see the genuine Daytona 126506 watch, so I cannot compare the case shape and dial details between it and this replica. However, I must mention that the movement in the replica is a significant flaw. QF claims to use the Dandong 4130 movement in this Daytona replica, but it is not the same as the one used by Clean Daytona.

The movement in the QF Daytona is uni-directional winding, while the Dandong 4130 in the Clean Daytona is bi-directional winding. These are two different movements, and the one used by QF is not as good. Surprisingly, QF is still selling this replica Daytona at the same or even higher price than the one from Clean, which doesn’t seem fair. Therefore, I would advise against purchasing this Daytona from QF. You might want to wait because I believe Clean will release their version soon.